Saturday, March 7, 2009

Promethean Boards

I'll be the first to admit I'm not the greatest with technology (hence the website being a copy and paste instead of a link) and some have tried to explain it to me, (thanks Lynique!) but when I saw this my jaw dropped! How cool is this! I am so out of the loop it's ridiculous. If you don't know what it is...check it out!


The advance in technology is great! It does have me a little concerned with the emphasis placed on writing though. I like how a student can write on the board but I just don't think it is enough. Also, I think the idea of immediate feedback is great...but does this add to the idea of students being unable to learn if they are not "entertained" with immediate results?

What do you think?


  1. Thanks for finding information on the Promethean boards. And in Hermistion, no less!! It's pretty exciting to see the technology. I hope that it becomes available to schools all over, I can think of several ways to use it in an art classroom, especially with graphics programs. The problem with only having the one or two computers in a classroom would be eliminated. The biggest problem is going to be (as with all school expenditures) budgeting. I am going to look into this little gem, so I can see what all can be done with it.

  2. Well, remember the research about praise nad feedback- immediate and specific!

  3. I want to get my hands on one of those, too! I have used Smartboards and I have a device that captures writing on a board for direct loading into a Palm device. I have to get one in for your use this summer!
